All Saints’ Mothers’ Union celebrates 90th Anniversary

On the 6th of June 2024, All Saints’ Antrim branch of the Mothers’ Union celebrated its 90th anniversary.   A service of Holy Communion was held in the parish church and administered by the Bishop of Connor, Rt Rev George Davison and The Ven Dr Stephen McBride who also preached the sermon.

Following the service, a delicious supper prepared by the branch members was served in The Parish Centre. Sylvia Smyth, Branch Leader, on behalf of the branch members, warmly welcomed everyone to the celebrations. She also stated they were very honoured and pleased to be joined by Bishop Rt Rev George and his wife Nadine; June Butler, Mothers’ Union All Ireland President; Sally Cotter, Connor Diocesan President; Mavis Thompson, Diocesan President Down & Dromore; Iris Suitor, Zonal Trustee, and Ven Dr Stephen McBride Mothers’ Union All Ireland Chaplin.  Also, it was lovely to have former members with us and friends from neighbouring branches.   Best wishes and apologies were received from former members and members of the Diocese who were unable to join us.

There were also former Branch Leaders present; Helen McBride; Jennifer Campbell; Sheila Thompson; Sylvia Barton and Paddy Wallace.

Paddy is a former Mothers’ Union All Ireland President and Diocesan President and was given the honour of cutting the celebration cake.

All in all, it was a wonderful celebration, with a lovely atmosphere and fellowship.

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