
Annual Prayer Diary 2024

In the Annual Prayer Diary, we publish the Wave of Prayer along with a daily prayer diary. Prayer is central to our work as Mothers’ Union and this expression of commitment allows us to support families and projects around the globe.

Also included in these publications is updated information from our zones and a membership map.


Connected, Mothers’ Union’s membership magazine is published twice yearly and mailed to members home addresses. Please send your feedback about what you think of the magazine to Download a copy by clicking the button below.

Covid-19 Grief & Bereavement Support Booklet

A booklet was prepared by the Public Health Agency in NI which they have prepared especially to help those who are affected by death as a result of Covid-19.


All Ireland Mothers’ Union magazine – Spring 2024

Local Spin

Information on social policy issues in the news in both Northern and Southern Ireland. To download the latest version click the download button below.